Registration is required and limited to 15 people.
You are invited to explore the world of engraving with renowned French-Colombian artist Pablo Posada Pernikoff, the current artist-in-residence at AnandaRasa located at Catawba Farms in Newton, NC. Join us as Pablo introduces the art of engraving, explains the engraving process, and demonstrates the use of the Museum’s engraving press. During his residency, Pablo will be creating engravings and other art pieces inspired by the unique culture and landscape of Catawba County.
He will also lead several “Plein Air for Children” workshops at Catawba Farms, sharing his passion for art with the next generation.
Pablo’s internationally acclaimed work will be featured at the Global Palate Local Pour fundraising event on October 27, 2024, where guests can experience his vibrant and unique artistic vision firsthand.
To register, contact Karla Starnes at 828-327-8576, ext 207 or