create your own art
Hickory Museum of Art offers a variety of programs for children of all ages including classes, workshops, summer camps, and more.
upcoming art classes for children
pint size picassos for ages 3-5
Young children and their favorite grown-up are introduced to art, the Museum and visual literacy in this monthly artful class. Each class features a gallery visit, story or game and lots of art making. New themes each month. Fee covers both classes in the month. Classes run through May.

homeschool art program
Classes are designed for students ages K-8th grade and will be divided into three age groups (depending on grades enrolled). Each month will focus on a different art process/technique, utilizing the museum’s various exhibitions while teaching a broad-based knowledge of art fundamentals.

birthday parties
HMA is a fun, creative place for a child’s birthday party!

creating art with ms. ginny
We have videos of Ms. Ginny helping you make your own art at home! We provide you with a list of the supplies you need and Ms. Ginny walks you through making the art with a video.