More works added since summer 2016
As you no doubt recall, HMA's Acquisitions Committee meets every month to, among other things, make decisions on potential new works to add to our collection, whether through purchase or generous gift.
Most recently, former Board member and current Honorary Trustee Josephine Hambrick donated to HMA the lovely portrait that Paul Whitener painted of her as a young girl in 1938, and the committee was delighted to accept this gift. Paul of course was the Museum's founder, and more about him can be found here. Also recently, we purchased Paul Lancaster's Forest Maiden. This was in conjunction with our Paul Lancaster exhibition in the Shuford Gallery.
John Brady's Jazz! Gift of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown
Above, left to right, some of the works we added during the fall months in 2016: 1) Donna Phipps Stout. Foiled Melon. Gift of Sandra and Henry Loehr. 2) Michael Fox figurine/scene Banjo Player Gift of Barry Huffman. 3) Lee Hall. Maine Edges. which we purchased; and 4) Addie James' Welcome. Gift of Mary Bohlen.
The following two pages list some earlier acquisitions, from September 2015 and March 2016. Just click on the dates to see those lists.
Post by Karin Borei, HMA Project Coordinator, writer and editor as needed, and HMA blogger since March 2015.